Shipjung provide the best quality for transport goods & stuff in Thailand
Shipjung can help you get more convenience when sending stuff in Thailand, that you can compare price before choosing the suitable price for you. Shipjung has many services for sending goods & stuff such as Cash on Delivery(COD), Door to Door, Drop off. If you need some help for sending stuff in Thailand, don't forget to choose Shipjung Company. is an online shipping service that integrates all transportation services into one place. Can check the price. Compare shipping costs in both domestic and international. We are the intermediary that connects your online store. With leading LOGISTIC transport companies such as Thai Post, DHL, ARAMEX, SCG EXPRESS, etc., to choose the right package for your shipment.
We can also connect to the MARKETPLACE website with the API to maximize the potential of the business. The team of experienced professionals.
"We are one of the One Stop Shipping Gateway Solutions for E-Commerce Sellers"
SHIPJUNG is ready to deliver shipping services to E-COMMERCE and online stores. Can work fast, reduce costs with online delivery management system. Most effective
You Rchta static Amon justified its founders Shipjung of experienced transport LOGISTIC AND E-COMMERCE more than 20 years have seen a problem with the handling of cargo operators E-COMMERCE of Thailand's development system. Connect online operators with various transportation. To make the delivery easier. It is easy to use online shipping in the present day.
We have committed. And ready to serve with you. We have a team of qualified professionals with a LOGISTIC expertise as well as a logistics consultant. Online Shipping Management Co-ordinate with users and transportation companies to make the most convenient. The intention is to deliver the highest quality customer service. The strength of the team is a variety of knowledge. Customers trust that we will be able to service and meet specific needs for customers with efficiency.
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